Saturday, October 25, 2008

Britney's Dancers celebrate '...Baby'

Britney's awesome dance crew sent this video today congratulating Brit on the 10-year anniversary of "...Baby One More Time."

How cool are these guys, and how cute?!The main dancer is Andre, Brit's choreographer, who's been working with Brit since he was a back-up dancer on her Mall Tour way back in the day!

Which dancer is your favorite? will have more exclusive updates from Andre, some of the dance crew and other members of Britney's awesome entourage soon!!

Here's a shout out to Brit's fabulous dance crew Andre Fuentes, Anthony Garza, Ramon Baynes, Sohey Sugihara, Sakura Inoue, Tucker Barkley and Tony Czar. Thanks again for the video guys, it's awesome!

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