Friday, February 6, 2009
Not Britney, but still about Britney. :D
Everybody loves talking about Britney! Well, except Britney. Check out some of the latest Britney-quotes from celebs this week:
Singer Lady Gaga on "Unusual You" off Circus via iTunes:
This is such a great song, I listened to 'Circus' on the plane, and when I got to this song I stopped, and played it over and over. It's so beautiful, and so sad, and I love the way it has an eerie sonic quality. As if the music was put into a funhouse mirror. Go girl. Great pop.
Fame-whore Miley Cyrus whining blogging about being famous:
"I feel like now that Britney is back on top of her game again, they need someone to pick on! Lucky me! haha Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know what is on my heart. You guys know me and have been by my side every step of the way!"
Actress Dakota Fanning on meeting Britney in the latest issue of Parade magazine:
"I remember when I was very little my idol was Britney Spears. I had just come to California and that's just who I wanted to meet. So I was in a store and she walked in and my jaw just fell to the floor. I started like sweating. I could not believe that I was meeting her. She told me that I was very cute. And I lost it -- I was so excited."
Mom Lynne Spears on Britney:
It's all in my $25 book about exploiting my daughters, y'all!
I demand Lady Gaga open up for Brit in the UK!
This is such a great song, I listened to 'Circus' on the plane, and when I got to this song I stopped, and played it over and over. It's so beautiful, and so sad, and I love the way it has an eerie sonic quality. As if the music was put into a funhouse mirror. Go girl. Great pop.
"I feel like now that Britney is back on top of her game again, they need someone to pick on! Lucky me! haha Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know what is on my heart. You guys know me and have been by my side every step of the way!"
"I remember when I was very little my idol was Britney Spears. I had just come to California and that's just who I wanted to meet. So I was in a store and she walked in and my jaw just fell to the floor. I started like sweating. I could not believe that I was meeting her. She told me that I was very cute. And I lost it -- I was so excited."
It's all in my $25 book about exploiting my daughters, y'all!
I demand Lady Gaga open up for Brit in the UK!
Oh No! Poor Pressured Britney! :c
Since this isn't a happy story, most of you probably won't believe it. Just saying...
According to new reports, Britney is "suffering paralysing panic attacks as she prepares for her world tour."
Britney, who embarks on her "Circus" tour in less than a month, has been reportedly "throwing tantrums and locking herself in her room or bathroom amid 'terrible attacks of nerves.'"
Puppet-master Jamie Spears had to apparently call the doctors regarding Britney's fits.
One source said: "Britney is in danger of not going on tour as she has been having paralyzing panic attacks."
"Every time there is a crisis, Britney screams and cries and locks herself in her room. She has been telling her doctor she feels under pressure and ill when she thinks about touring."
"She is worried about being on the road without her kids, and fears that her performance will be branded a flop."
On top of the stress concerning the tour, Britney is currently in the midst of more legal battles, including a restraining order against Sam Lutfi & Adnan Ghalib, as well as a breach of contract suit filed by Lutfi.
Is this what Britney really needs? More pressure ontop of the immense stress put upon her already? Why are they rushing this? An even better question:
How can Britney tour for weeks on end, but can't live her life free from a conservatorship???
This just isn't right.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
This Week's Tabloid Mess
Check out Britney on the latest cover of OK! magazine, claiming Britney is desperate to call old friends. I'm pretty sure they don't mean she's calling up her old friend Blanch from Golden Girls, rather friends she's known for a long time. Heh, get it. Britney is also featured on the latest issue of the ever-so-reliable National Enquirer, claiming Britney personal diaries are stolen: I smell a law suit! No covers for Star, People, In Touch, Us Weekly or Life & Style. | |
More Details Regarding Sam Lutfi's Lawsuit Against The Spears
More details as to why Sam Lutfi has filed a law suit against Jamie & Lynne Spears, and consequently Britney, have come to light.
According to newly released court documents obtained by x17online.com, dated February 2nd, 2009, Lutfi is suing the Spears family for libel, defamation, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress and breach of contract.
The court documents begin with General Allegations, which states: "Lutfi is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that at all times herein mentioned, each defendant, including DOE defendants and, that at all times herein mentioned, was acting within the course and scope of and pursuant to said agency, service, employment and/or representation."
The allegations common to all causes of action section claims Lynne & Jamie "managed and controlled every aspect of Britney's life and career," saying:
The documents continue to explain Lutfi's involvement in Britney's personal and professional life.quote:As Britney grew older and more independent and Jamie and Lynne's marriage began to fall apart, Jamie's and Lynne's stranglehold on Britney's life and career began to loosen. This posed a serious threat to Jamie and Lynne, who had become accustomed to the fame and fortune afforded to them as the 'parents of Britney Spears.'
In order to ensure that they would not lose the lifestyle to which they had become accustomed, Jamie and Lynne set out to destroy anyone and anything that came between them and Britney...
As a result of Jamie's and Lynne's actions, Britney grew increasingly distant and resentful of her parents. In fact, Britney was especially resentful of Lynne, whom she felt had betrayed her consorting with Federline at a time when Britney and Federline were in the midst of a contentious divorce and custody battle."
Neither Jamie nor Lynne offered Britney any support as she suffered the embarrassment and humiliation of public ridicule. Rather, they saw the rumors and tablod reports as a means by whuch they could force their way back into Britney's life and regain control of her fortune under the guise of concern for Britney's well being.
Resentful of Lynne and afraid of Jamie's controlling, violent and often unpredictable behavior, Britney began inquiring about obtaining restraining orders against Jamie and Lynne in order to prevent them from regaining any control over her or having any involvement in her life.
Britney, who introduced Lutfi to "record company execs" at a meeting in 2007, claimed he was her "new manager," and "gave them [execs] authorization to discuss "Blackout" with her in front of Lutfi.
From here, the documents go into great detail about Lutfi's roll as manager, setting up music videos ("Piece of Me"), interviewing choreographers, escorting Britney to dance studio sessions etc.
The documents state Lutfi "encouraged Britney to reconcile with her parents," but due to Lutfi's seemingly significant role in Britney's life, Jamie & Lynne found this as a threat, and sought to regain "complete control of Britney's life and career."
"Jamie and Lynne began a campagin of slander, libel and defamation aimed at discredint, destroying and physically and emotionally intimidating Lutfi in order to drive him out of Britney's life."
In Lutfi's first cause of action, Libel, Lutfi alleges Lynne's book, "Through the Storm, A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World," contains false accusations and instances, including hiding and disabling Britney's house phones, grinding up pills in Britney's food, hiding Britney's dogs and claiming Adnan was gay.
Due to the wide publication of Lynne's book, Lutfi claims he has "suffered loss of his reputation, shame, mortification and hurt feelings," and is seeking damages including "injury to Lutfi's business, medical expenses, attorney's fees and costs," as well as an award of exemplary and punitive damages.
In Lutfi's second clause of action, Defamation, Lutfi claims the book was published with "actual malice in that it was published with knowledge that it contained false statements and/or with reckless disregard for the truth and with the intent of falsely representing Lutfi as dishonest, untrustworthy and manipulative and as a freeloader intent on controlling, manipulating and harming Britney for his own personal gain."
The third cause of action, Battery, stems from Britney's January 29, 2008 hospital visit. Lutfi alleges that Jamie Spears "punched him [Lutfi] in the chest," and "threatened to kill Lutfi if he ever heard that Lutfi ever again made a rude comment about Lynne or any other member of his family."
Lutfi's fourth cause of action, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, claims the conduct of Jamie and Lynne, was "extreme and outrageous, beyond the reasonable bounds of decency, intentional and malicious and done for the purpose of causing Lutfi to suffer humiliation, mental anguish, and emotional and physical distress."
Breach of Contract, Lutfi's fifth cause of action against Jamie & Lynne Spears, claims Britney "entered into an oral agreement where by Lutfi would act as Britney's manager for a term of 4 years..." and "was to be compensated at the rate of 15% of the income generated by Britney during that period."
Britney confirmed the management deal via text message, saying "sam, so thats fine, i want you to be my manager. you were right its 15 percent of my money but for 4 years not 5."
Jamie Spears, who now acts as Britney's conservator, has failed to pay Lutfi the amounts agreed upon, constituting in a breach of agreement.
The sixth and final cause of action, quantum meruit, details the general, punitive and special damages Lutfi seeks.
Jamie Spears filed a restraining order against Lutfi last Friday, claiming Lutfi was undermining the conservatorship instated on Britney.
A hearing regarding the restraining order is set for February 23.
PETA Praises Britney
PETA publicly slammed Britney last December for using elephants in her "Circus" music video, saying: "Britney is such a victim of the paparazzi and always complaining and crying about how she hates to be held up in her guarded house and can't feel free, she of all people should be able to relate to the horror that captive animals go through when they're used for entertainment. Except Britney chooses to perform, and the lifestyle just comes with it."
Looks like Brit learned her lesson!
According to a statement from PETA President Ingrid Newkirk via Radaronline.com, PETA is very pleased to see Britney will NOT be using live animals on her upcoming "Circus" tour, saying:
Newkirk claims PETA will send a "thank you" note and flowers to Britney for her wise decision.quote:"PETA praises Britney for embracing modern animal-free circuses like Cirque du Soleil which spotlight human creativity and talents instead of forcing chained and beaten exotic animals to perform confusing and uncomfortable tricks as they do in one of those outdated Ringling Bros. shows. Now Britney won't risk winding up in court on cruelty charges, while Ringling is in court this week over serious allegations of repeated mistreatment of elephants."
Sam Lutfi Files Law Suit Against Spears Family
Britney's former manager, Sam Lutfi, has reportedly filed a lawsuit Tuesday morning against Britney's parents Jamie & Lynne Spears.
According to Lutfi's lawyer, Bryan Freedman, via Perez Hilton, Lutfi is suing for defamation, saying:
According to the suit, Jamie & Lynne "began a campaign of slander, libel and defamation aimed at discrediting, destroying and physically and emotionally intimidating Lutfi in order to drive him out of Britney's life."quote:“This lawsuit is being brought as a result of the defamation, ridicule and harassment of Sam Lutfi by Jamie Spears and Lynne Spears. A thorough investigation has revealed overwhelming evidence from independent witnesses, showing that Lynne Spears knowingly and maliciously publicized devastating false information about Lutfi which destroyed his reputation, irreparably harmed his career, and subjected him to constant scorn and humiliation.
At the time of the trial in this action, the jury will have an opportunity to weigh the credibility of the witnesses. In doing so, it will be faced with two threshold questions: Why would a supposedly loving mother write a tell all book about the sordid details of two of the most devastating nights of her daughter's life and go on countless talk shows for her own profit? And why would a loving father who deems his daughter to be incompetent, thrust her into a massive world tour only to subject her to the very limelight that threatened to shatter her life, for something other than his own personal gain?
The facts of this case will reveal Jamie and Lynne’s conduct in light of these questions. It will unequivocally explain the motivation of two people who are seemingly willing to destroy anyone and anything that gets in the way of their ability to control and profit from their daughter. Through this action, the truth about Jamie, Lynne and their relentless desire to control Britney Spears and her fortune will be revealed.”
Last Friday, Jamie Spears filed a restraining order on behalf of Britney against Lutfi for allegedly undermining the conservatorship.
A hearing regarding the restraining orders is scheduled for later this month.
UPDATE: According to the papers obtained by TMZ, "Sam claims Jamie and Lynn 'launched a campaign of lies and intimidation designed to destroy Lutfi and drive him out of Britney's life.' In the lawsuit, Sam claims he was standing in Britney's kitchen on January 29, 2008 when Jamie stormed into the house. Lutfi alleges Jamie yelled at him, claiming Sam made a rude comment to Lynne the night before. Then, Sam claims, Jamie "intentionally punched him in the chest" and threatened to kill him if he ever heard Sam make a rude comment about Lynne or any member of the Spears family again. All the claims of libel and defamation spring from Lynne's book, "Through the Storm." Lutfi says since the publication of the book, he "has been subjected to unfathomable amounts of ridicule and public scorn." Lutfi also claims Britney broke a contract with him and owes him unpaid management fees. He claims he had an oral agreement with Spears to be her manager for four years, earning 15% commission."
Stay tuned...
Monday, February 2, 2009
First Look At "Circus" Tour Stage

Check out the first look at Britney's "Circus" stage!
According to tour director/designer Jamie King, "Britney and I are really excited to conceptualize her Circus tour. We've taken the idea of a traditional 'big-top circus' and given it a Britney Spears twist. This circus is unlike anything you've ever seen before. It's sexy, fun, explosive, and full of surprises. We wanted the stage to resemble the design of a three-ring circus where multiple acts can take place simultaneously. While avoiding such traditional circus elements as live animals, we've created something innovative and exciting using contortionists, dancers, lighting, fire and other special effects. In the end, we just want fans to experience a unique and thrilling concert with Britney."
Britney's camp also cleared the air regarding cancellationrumors, saying:
1 month and counting...quote:"Britney is so excited to kick off her tour. She has been enjoying every moment of rehearsals and is looking forward to performing in front of a live audience again. Both Sean Preston and Jayden James will, in fact, be joining Britney throughout the duration of her tour."
"If U Seek Amy" Music Video Casting Call
BreatheHeavy was just sent an alleged casting call from LAcasting.com regarding Britney's upcoming music video for "If U Seek Amy."
The video will reportedly be shot on February 10th, with auditions scheduled for today or tomorrow.
According to the casting call, there are many roles needed for the video, including sexy bodied party people, obsessive stalker fan (ha, where do I sign up?), pageant queens, stage moms, barbie type kids and a "ken doll" husband. See below:
Rumored director is Jake Nava (My Prerogative).quote:SEXY BODIED PARTY PEOPLE / No Union Affiliation / Supporting / Male or Female / All Ethnicities / 18-25
sexy bodies...... edgy cool vibe with style
Wardrobe: edgy dark SEXY ...prada ...meets agent provocateur sexy lingerie ..... guys make it hot tuxudeo pants tight shirts etc.....
Rate: 200+20%
OBSESSIVE STALKER FAN / No Union Affiliation / Supporting / Male / Caucasian / 30-40
Wardrobe: geek
Rate: 200+20%
PAGEANT QUEENS / No Union Affiliation / Supporting / Female / Caucasian / 12-16
all american barbie's
Wardrobe: gowns with tiara Makeup and hair ladies a must!
Rate: 250+20%
STAGE MOMS / No Union Affiliation / / Female / Caucasian / 35-50
the ultimate stage mom
Wardrobe: everyday
Rate: $200+ 20%
BARBIE TYPE KIDS / No Union Affiliation / Featured / Male or Female / Caucasian / 7-10
the perfect blonde children
Wardrobe: american preppy
Rate: 200+20%
"KEN DOLL" HUSBAND / No Union Affiliation / Featured / Male / Caucasian / 22-29
the perfect ken doll husband
Wardrobe: american.... J CREW... ALL THE WAY
Rate: $1000+20%
Good luck at auditions!
Today's Groundhog Day :c
And unfortunately, today is no different than any other day for Britney.
Sadly, the groundhog saw his shadow, meaning 6 more weeks of winter.quote:"There's no excitement, there's no passion. I have really good days, and then I have bad days.
Even when you go to jail, you know there's the time when you're gonna get out. But in this situation, it's never ending. It's just like Groundhog Day every day.
If I wasn't under the restraints I'm under, I'd feel so liberated. When I tell them the way I feel, it's like they hear but they're really not listening. I never wanted to become one of those prisoner people. I always wanted to feel free."
Even sadder is that winter was made permanent back in January.
Britney Threatens To Cancel Tour
Your worst fears; Britney threatened to cancel the tour!
According to TMZ.com, "Britney Spears will cancel her upcoming tour if K-Fed's lawyers continue to block an agreement allowing her to take the kids on the road."
TMZ continues you to state that: "Britney WILL cancel the tour if she can't take her kids... we know that for a fact."quote:"For weeks, Britney, K-Fed and Jamie Spears have been privately hashing out a plan to let the kids travel with Brit while she goes on tour. The plan is to have homes in three bases -- New Jersey, New Orleans and Los Angeles. Sean Preston and Jayden James would stay in one of these three bases and mom would commute back and forth while doing concerts in each region."
"We've learned Britney will pay Kevin in excess of $4,000 a week for each week she's on tour. The way the deal goes... Brit would get K-Fed his own pad in each of the three bases and he wouldn't even have to show up to get the money! Why, you ask, would she pay him? You figure it out...."
"Britney, K-Fed and Jamie worked out the arrangement without the help of any of the lawyers. We're told a week ago K-Fed's lawyers became aware of the plan and were furious, thinking Jamie went behind their backs. Sources tell us K-Fed's lawyers have said they object to the plan but won't specifically say why. And Kevin apparently doesn't have the cojones to stand up to his lawyers."
Britney, her father Jamie and ex-husband Kevin Federline have reportedly worked out a long-term agreement, which would extend the arrangement.
"That too, could be compromised."
Stay tuned!
Update: Kevin's lawyer Mark Vincent Kaplan lawyer claims he nor Kevin want to interfere with Britney's tour or career. "He says it could have been handled better if Jamie and company would have' manned up' and had Kevin got the benefit of his lawyers to protect his position. Kaplan says he's going to present his own wording of the deal, but thinks they'll work it out."
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