i was playing sims last night when i remembered i still have final exams the next day, two more minor subjects. when i looked at the watch it was already 9:30 pm so i decided to turn off the computer and review. when i entered my room, lazyness flowed through my veins and traveled to my heart. instead of reaching for my books, i reached for the remote. i watched tv even though the thought of the exam was still playing at the back of my mind. then suddenly a thought came into my mind, what if, our lives could be the same as the sims'. what if we could just read books or study through the computer to have good grades. what if we could gain happiness by just playing, watching tv and doing some other recreational activites. life would be sweeter i thought.
but reality flashed again in my mind when my mom entered the room and asked me, "aren't you going to study. it thought you have an exam?". i felt the pressure brought by my studies.
i felt that my life could never be a sims life. i coudn't just do anything i want and make my mood good. i can't cook food in just 20 secs and my fridge doesn't have all the foods that i want. i can't gain friends easily by just talking about interests. i can't have an instant work just through the internet and newspaper. in short, a sims life is far, way too far from human life. human life is fulll of problems that can't be removed by just playing or reading books. my personal characteristics can't be established by just playing the piano, painting, reading and so on.
human life is really far from sims life. we can never cheat to have big bucks and we can never pause the time or go back to where we were once so to prevent mistakes and troubles.
i really love playing sims. i feel like i'm God. i can control their life and everything. how i wish God would take care of my life the way i take care of my sims. but i'm sure God knows what to do. and uhmm, abotu my exam, i took it this morning without even a glimpse of my lecture. haha!
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