Friday, April 11, 2008

see you again

i feel sad. it is just 2 days before our summer class. i don't know how to go to school anymore. just a month ago, i am happy at school for my friends are complete, i got beshi, my bitches and the rest of my friends. but now, i just don't know how to walk at school, to eat at the canteen or wherever, to laugh inside the room, to sing, to be happy and to be me. it's really hard to accpet until now that they are gone. they are off to a new school. things happened so fast and i didn't realize that they are already slipping slowly. i don't know why it needs to end like this. can't we be just happy stduying at the same school. it would really be a different section B now. i'm scared of meeting new friends and getting close to them because i'm not sure if they would be there until we graduate. wheww! everything vanished. our plans before graduation, the places we want to go and i'm not sure how many times we wil see each other in a week. seeing them even once a week would be nice. even once a month would still be fine. as long as the sommunication is there, i will feel great. i'm gonna miss them for real. i'll just deal with what happened because God wanted it to be that way and there's nothing i can do about it.